Gemstone painting shower 1, gemstone painting Vietnam is picture for home or room decoration, it’s making form natural gemstone by handmade
Gemstone painting is a three-dimensional picture, it make by hand crafted with many kind of stone. There are precious stone and semi-precious stone. Al gemstone are natural, not any treatment, form many size, and their properties of gemstone so picture is good color and strong three-dimensional painting. 2. Material making gemstone painting
Individual color depend one size and kind of stone. The fundamental of color and kind of stone is:
– White: White Canxit stone. White Crystal Quartz stone, White Topaz gemstone..
– Black: Black Tourmaline gemstone, Black Osidan . Black Crystal quartz…
– Purple: Amethyst .
– Pink and red: Ruby gemstone, Garnet gemstone, Tourmaline gemstone, Pink Quartz .
– Yellow and orange-red: Citrine gemstone, Yellow Opal gemstone. Tourmaline gemstone, Canxit stone…
– Dark-green, Grey-green and black-green: Sapphire black-green (Sapphire from Phan Thiết- southern Vietnam), Lapis lazuli (Apakistan)…
– Light green and strong green: Green Opal, Malachite gemstone…
– Cyan, blue, blue sky: Sapphire blue, blue opal, peridot …
– Other color: it make from mix of power some type stone with the their scale..

Gemstone painting – shower
- Making gemstone painting
After prepare all material power gemstone, full color and size. We making painting by hand crafted. We need one ground plate, this material is plastic composition, visible and stable. Depend on size of picture, thickness of plastics is various from 3-6 mm. Small picture, plastic composition is 3 mm, and large size thickness is 5-6 mm. To make large picture, we need connect some plate plastic together.
Making gemstone painting including 4 step below:
A draw: with any sence picture, we need a draw same size and high resolution picture. We need take photographe and zoom to same size picture do you want.
Making ground plate: to make high three-dimension picture, we making ground plate stone on plastic composition, thickness of this layer usually about 1 mm. The color ground layer depend on scene of picture. Material making this layer is visible an small size. Other function of this layer is help gemstone painting is thicker, stronger…
Arrange and grafted: this is main step in making gemstone painting. A specialist will arrange and grafted power, piece stone on ground plate by their hand. Many scene, detail need hard working, skillful and patience… This step have some require below:
A specialist do this step must have many year experience, high skillful and art. This art depend on specialist, who making this step. Other specialist will make number of art, they will difference.
Many scene of picture need many type of stone, it depend on color, size stone specialist will attach on layer.
When we finish fix scene of picture by power and piece of stone, we continuous connecting and attack it by glue, this special glue for making gemstone. This glue make all power and piece stone into one module, strong and stable.
When finish arrange, grafted stone and attack glue, gemstone need time to dry about 6-7 day. Then we can go to next step.
Making frame and transport: when we have dry gemstone painting, we need make frame. It easy step, material of frame depend on our custom require. It can make from wood, plastic composition… A glass of frame will make picture high resolution, good three-dimension. Thickness of glass is 2 to 5 mm, it depend one size of painting.
All material make gemstone painting is stone, glass… so it usually heavy than other kind product. It need care to transporting, To export painting gemstone, we usually export art not include frame, so picture and reduce size and weight, and easy transport.